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8 Website Tweaks That Will Bring You More Clients

Mar 10

How do you get potential new clients to your website and convert them from visitors to customers? Although you may be active on social media, online forums, and other places online, it's your website that will have the biggest impact on how you acquire new clients. Here are a few things you can do with your site to help you generate more business.

Keyword Optimization

The written content on your site should be search engine optimized with relevant keywords that will bring traffic to it. This will help with search engines like Google. Use a free keyword tool to find some good keywords and focus especially on long-tail keywords. These are longer phrases and sentences that have less competition. Use high competition and low competition keywords.

Add a Blog

Add a blog to your site and post helpful, informational content regularly. Get your content on there. Share your story. This will help with search engines by providing fresh content and more keywords. It will also help to show your expertise in your topic area. You can write on topics that are of interest to your potential clients and show what you know.

Include Social Proof

Social proof refers to content that shows how you've helped others solve their problems. It is very powerful in demonstrating the unique value you offer. Testimonials from former clients are easy to use on your website for social proof. Reach out to people you've worked with before and ask if they'd give some feedback that you can use for a testimonial.

Use Video Content

A great way to tell site visitors about your business is to create a short video that shows you talking to the viewer. This puts a human face on your business. The video can be short and simple. Just introduce yourself and your business and give the viewer your elevator pitch about what unique value you can offer them.

Check out Other Business Sites (Competitive Research)

Spend some time looking around at the websites of businesses that are similar to yours. See how they represent themselves. Look at their design, their content, and the site navigation. This can give you some ideas on how to improve yours or set it apart. See what they are writing about and check their popularity with software like

Offer a Free Information Product (Lead Magnet)

Put a free info product for download on your site, like an eBook or worksheet that helps your target market solve some problem they're facing. This is a great way to demonstrate your expertise and start a relationship with the prospect. In exchange for the free download, they submit their name and email address so you can send them content and promotions by email. This doesn't mean they are buyers! Do NOT send them incessant emails every day.

Call the Visitor to Action

In addition to explaining the unique value you offer, give the visitor a clear call to action. Tell them exactly what they need to do in order to get the benefits you're promising them. Experiment with different wording in your call to action and see what performs best with your specific audience.

Monitor Your Analytics

Set aside some regular time to check your analytics to see what is working and what isn't. This is how you refine your website strategy and constantly improve to make it more effective. Soon, you'll have a streamlined site that easily converts visitors into new clients.

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